American League Logo

Primary Logo (2013-2018)

What is the American League Logo?

The American League logo shows a black and white bald eagle holding a red, white, and blue banner in its beak, reading AMERICAN LEAGUE. The bird is shown perched upon a baseball surrounded by 15 white stars on a blue ring - each star representing each active franchise in the AL. This logo has been used by the league since the 1950s, with alterations over the years to the number of stars on the logo. This version was first used in 2013 when the league added a 15th star to account for the Houston Astros leaving the NL for the AL. In 2019, the colours were darkened to match the USA flag.

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A 15th star was prior to the 2013 season after the Houston Astros transferred from the National League to the American League



Other American League Logos and Uniforms from this era


American League Logo Timeline