The primary logo features a gaucho peering over UCSB letters in a forward-moving font. Colors used are Blue, Light Blue, Dark Blue, Gold, Light Gold, Dark Gold, black, and white. UC Santa Barbara unveiled their new identity on August 20, 2009. The new mark maintains the mystery of the Argentine cowboy and his extreme focus on winning. Highlighted in the main logo (and present in all four new marks) is the gaucho`s hat. School officials say the hat is theoretically spinning before it settles to the ground and left behind as the Gauchos` calling card. The hat is intended to be much like Zorro`s Z, left behind by the Mexican hero with his familiar burnt initial. The marks were created by Phoenix Design.
Unveiled on Thursday, August 20, 2009
Who designed the UCSB Gauchos Logo?
Phoenix Design Works
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